Step 1 of 110%Email HeaderYour Inspired Leadership report is here (see attachment)! I am so pleased to share these results with you and support you on your leadership journey.Email FooterStay Inspired!Tony MartignettiChief Inspiration Officer | Inspired CoachPhone: 781-414-9121Email: tony@ipurposepartners.comWebsite: https://www.ipurposepartners.comPurposeHow do you feel when you get up in the morning to go to work?I feel stressed about all the work I have to do. I feel like I don't have enough time to do everything.I wonder if it’s worth it some days. I don’t seem to be moving forward.I enjoy what I am doing but, I can’t seem to motivate my team.I'm ready to start the day. I understand what I’m trying to achieve and so do my team. I can’t wait to get to work.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12?How successful do you feel?I feel like I haven’t achieved enough in my life.I wish I was more successful. I try so hard and feel frustrated.I am somewhat successful and have achieved some great things.I’m so blessed to have so much success in my life.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12?Work/Life BrillianceHow much free time do you have?Hardly any. I have so little time and I sometimes feel trapped.Little. It’s the price you pay to get the life you want, right?Enough for now. I do the important things, but ideally would like more freedom.Plenty. I've made sure my business works for me, not the other way around.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12?EffectivenessWould you consider yourself action orientated?I'm overwhelmed by what needs to be done and I lack clarity in my actions.I know what's on my To Do list however, I never find enough time to complete it.I accomplish my daily tasks but, I am still doing things I don’t enjoy.I'm an action taker with clearly defined goals and I tend to complete my daily activities with the help of a team and systems.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12?Do you take time out of your day to realign and re-focus?I am way too busy to do this.I struggle to take time out.I re-focus at the end of each day, if I have time.I often take quality time out of my day to make sure I’m staying on track.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12?CultureDo you live by a set of values for yourself and/or your company?No. I have not identified our values.I try to live by our values, when I remember them.I live by our values some days but, I’m not consistent.I live by our values on a daily basis.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12?ProgressionDo you have clearly defined goals for yourself and/or your business?No. I have not identified any goals.I set goals however, I have not looked at them since I set them.I have goals but unfortunately I find it difficult to achieve them.I have clear goals and I keep track of them regularly.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12?Do you have a strategic plan for your business?No, I don't have a strategic plan in the business and I have no idea how to create one.I have some goals for my business but, everything is in my head. They are not written down and shared.I have a plan, it’s written down but I haven't looked at it in a long time.I have written goals with a detailed timeline so everyone in the business knows what the plan is.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12?Talent OptimizationDo you have the right people in your business to reach its full potential?I struggle to attract people with the right attitude, skill or knowledge.Getting the right people is a constant challenge for me and I don't know what attributes to look out for.I worry about succession and retention planning more than I probably should.I have an amazing team constantly pushing to develop their skills and enhance the business.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12?How would you describe your staff turnover?My turnover is high. My staff never seems to stay long.I have a fairly high turnover. I find recruiting good people difficult.I have an average turnover but, I find retaining good people difficult.I have a low turnover. When I recruit good people they stay for several years.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12?Final StepOne final step before we send you your results, which will enable you to understand where you are and where you want to be.Name* First Name Last Name Company NamePhoneEmail* Email Consent* Yes, I give consent to securely store my details, email me my report along with future relevant tips supporting my score. Note: We will never share your details with any third party. View our Privacy Policy.Identify the most important numberTopic 1 GapTopic 2 GapTopic 3 GapTopic 4 GapTopic 5 GapTopic 6 GapTopic 1 Yes Most ImportantTopic 2 Yes Most ImportantTopic 3 Yes Most ImportantTopic 4 Yes Most ImportantTopic 5 Yes Most ImportantTopic 6 Yes Most ImportantFeedback if Column 1Feedback if Column 2Feedback if Column 3Feedback if Column 4Q1 or Topic 1 Biggest Gap FeedbackPurposeWe have determined that this is a key topic are for you to reflect and work on.Q2 or Topic 2 Biggest Gap FeedbackWork/Life BrillianceWe have determined that this is a key topic are for you to reflect and work on.Q3 or Topic 3 Biggest Gap FeedbackEffectivenessWe have determined that this is a key topic are for you to reflect and work on.Q4 or Topic 4 Biggest Gap FeedbackCultureWe have determined that this is a key topic are for you to reflect and work on.Q5 or Topic 5 Biggest Gap FeedbackProgressionWe have determined that this is a key topic are for you to reflect and work on.Q6 or Topic 6 Biggest Gap FeedbackTalent OptimizationWe have determined that this is a key topic are for you to reflect and work on.Call to Action for EveryoneCall to Action For Column 1Based on your answers, it looks like you may be experiencing a few frustrations as a leader, which is very common! The good news is that there are many tools and resources to support your growth and build engaged, productive, and happy teams. The best place to get started is with a 30-minute inspiration session. On this call, we will go through your report, and I will be able to share a few practical leadership tools with you.Here is the link to schedule a call:Calendly: call is complimentary for anyone who has taken the Inspired Leadership assessment.We will follow up with tips and insights to help you on your journey. Feel free to unsubscribe at any time.Call to Action For Column 2Based on your answers, you may be experiencing a few frustrations as a leader, which is very common! The good news is that there are many tools and resources to support your growth and build engaged, productive, and happy teams. The best place to get started is with a 30-minute inspiration session. On this call, we will go through your report, and I will be able to share a few practical leadership tools with you. Here is the link to schedule a call:Calendly: call is complimentary for anyone who has taken the Inspired Leadership assessment.We will follow up with tips and insights to help you on your journey. Feel free to unsubscribe at any time.Call to Action For Column 3Well done! Your report shows you are doing well in many areas of your leadership journey. If you want to get elevated to the next level, let’s start with a 30-minute inspiration session. Here is the link to schedule a call to review your report and discover new practical leadership tools to build engaged, productive, and happy teams.Calendly: call is complimentary for anyone who has taken the Inspired Leadership assessment.We will follow up with tips and insights to help you on your journey. Feel free to unsubscribe at any time.Call to Action For Column 4Congratulations! Your report shows you are doing well in many areas of your leadership journey. If you want to get elevated to the next level, let’s start with a 30-minute inspiration session. Here is the link to schedule a call to review your report and discover practical leadership tools to build engaged, productive, and happy teams.Calendly: call is complimentary for anyone who has taken the Inspired Leadership assessment.We will follow up with tips and insights to help you on your journey. Feel free to unsubscribe at any time.Q1 or Topic 1 Biggest Gap Call to ActionQ2 or Topic 2 Biggest Gap Call to ActionQ3 or Topic 3 Biggest Gap Call to ActionQ4 or Topic 4 Biggest Gap Call to ActionQ5 or Topic 5 Biggest Gap Call to ActionQ6 or Topic 6 Biggest Gap Call to ActionFeedback IF 1Feedback IF 2Feedback IF 3Feedback IF 4Topic/Question 1 results text 1-3 Topic/Question 1 results text 4-6 Topic/Question 1 results text 7-9 Topic/Question 1 results text 10-12 Topic/Question 2 results text 1-3 Topic/Question 2 results text 4-6 Topic/Question 2 results text 7-9 Topic/Question 2 results text 10-12 Topic/Question 3 results text 1-3 Topic/Question 3 results text 4-6 Topic/Question 3 results text 7-9 Topic/Question 3 results text 10-12 Topic/Question 4 results text 1-3 Topic/Question 4 results text 4-6 Topic/Question 4 results text 7-9 Topic/Question 4 results text 10-12 Topic/Question 5 results text 1-3 Topic/Question 5 results text 4-6 Topic/Question 5 results text 7-9 Topic/Question 5 results text 10-12 Topic/Question 6 results text 1-3 Topic/Question 6 results text 4-6 Topic/Question 6 results text 7-9 Topic/Question 6 results text 10-12 Total of current:Total of desired:Simplified Current TotalSimplified Desired TotalTopic 1 Total for CurrentTopic 2 Total for CurrentTopic 3 Total for CurrentTopic 4 Total for CurrentTopic 5 Total for CurrentTopic 6 Total for CurrentTopic 1 Total for DesiredTopic 2 Total for DesiredTopic 3 Total for DesiredTopic 4 Total for DesiredTopic 5 Total for DesiredTopic 6 Total for DesiredZapier TagOverall Score - CurrentStrugglingFrustratedDoing wellSuccessfulNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 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