Step 1 of 17 0% Email HeaderThank you for taking the time to complete the quiz.Your individual report is compiled in the PDF attached.Email FooterMany thanks,Cellene Hoogenkamp Culture1. How would you rate the cohesiveness and sense of culture within your company?I'm really struggling with this.I'm often frustrated with this.I'm doing OK, but could improve.I'm really successful with this.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12? 2. How would you rate your team's commitment and sense of accountability toward each other?I'm really struggling with this.I'm often frustrated with this.I'm doing OK, but could improve.I'm really successful with this.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12? 3. Are you satisfied with the level of motivation your team exhibits?I'm really struggling with this.I'm often frustrated with this.I'm doing OK, but could improve.I'm really successful with this.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12? Self-Awareness4. How would you rate your cultural awareness and acknowledgment of inner biases when interacting with your coworkers?I'm really struggling with this.I'm often frustrated with this.I'm doing OK, but could improve.I'm really successful with this.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12? 5. How would you rate your ability to receive criticism effectively?I'm really struggling with this.I'm often frustrated with this.I'm doing OK, but could improve.I'm really successful with this.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12? 6. How would you rate your satisfaction with your own accomplishments within the company?I'm really struggling with this.I'm often frustrated with this.I'm doing OK, but could improve.I'm really successful with this.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12? Effectiveness7. How would you rate your ability to delegate effectively?I'm really struggling with this.I'm often frustrated with this.I'm doing OK, but could improve.I'm really successful with this.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12? 8. Do you trust your team to take on a task with minimal supervision?I'm really struggling with this.I'm often frustrated with this.I'm doing OK, but could improve.I'm really successful with this.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12? 9. How would you rate your ability to manage conflict?I'm really struggling with this.I'm often frustrated with this.I'm doing OK, but could improve.I'm really successful with this.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12? Work/Life Balance10. How would you rate your satisfaction with your work/life balance?I'm really struggling with this.I'm often frustrated with this.I'm doing OK, but could improve.I'm really successful with this.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12? 11. How would you rate your satisfaction in your current role?I'm really struggling with this.I'm often frustrated with this.I'm doing OK, but could improve.I'm really successful with this.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12? 12. How would you rate your level of positivity heading to work?I'm really struggling with this.I'm often frustrated with this.I'm doing OK, but could improve.I'm really successful with this.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12? 13. How in tune are you and your team with your clients?I'm really struggling with this.I'm often frustrated with this.I'm doing OK, but could improve.I'm really successful with this.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12? 14. How would you rate your team's ability to take initiative?I'm really struggling with this.I'm often frustrated with this.I'm doing OK, but could improve.I'm really successful with this.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12? 15. How would you rate your openness to suggestions from team members?I'm really struggling with this.I'm often frustrated with this.I'm doing OK, but could improve.I'm really successful with this.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12? Innovation16. How would you rate your ability to handle a change in direction?I'm really struggling with this.I'm often frustrated with this.I'm doing OK, but could improve.I'm really successful with this.How would you rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-12?Where would you like to be in 12 months time, on a scale of 1-12? Final Step One final step before we send you your results, which will enable you to understand where you are and where you want to be. Name* First Name Work Email* Email Consent* Yes, I give consent to securely store my details, email me my report along with future relevant tips supporting my score. Note: We will never share your details with any third party. View our Privacy Policy. Identify the most important numberTopic 1 GapTopic 2 GapTopic 3 GapTopic 4 GapTopic 5 GapTopic 1 Yes Most ImportantTopic 2 Yes Most ImportantTopic 3 Yes Most ImportantTopic 4 Yes Most ImportantTopic 5 Yes Most ImportantFeedback if Column 1Feedback if Column 2Feedback if Column 3Feedback if Column 4Q1 or Topic 1 Biggest Gap FeedbackCultureLooks like you are having trouble with this key topic area. Don't worry, you're not alone.Q2 or Topic 2 Biggest Gap FeedbackSelf-AwarenessLooks like you are having trouble with this key topic area. Don't worry, you're not alone.Q3 or Topic 3 Biggest Gap FeedbackEffectivenessLooks like you are having trouble with this key topic area. Don't worry, you're not alone.Q4 or Topic 4 Biggest Gap FeedbackWork/Life BalanceLooks like you are having trouble with this key topic area. Don't worry, you're not alone.Q5 or Topic 5 Biggest Gap FeedbackInnovationLooks like you are having trouble with this key topic area. Don't worry, you're not alone.Call to Action for EveryoneLet's chat about your score, and see how I can help you improve.Schedule a no cost, no obligation conversation with me by clicking here now!If you are not quite ready to book a chat with me, you may now close this window and return to (where booking is always available).Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation.Call to Action For Column 1Call to Action For Column 2Call to Action For Column 3Call to Action For Column 4Q1 or Topic 1 Biggest Gap Call to ActionQ2 or Topic 2 Biggest Gap Call to ActionQ3 or Topic 3 Biggest Gap Call to ActionQ4 or Topic 4 Biggest Gap Call to ActionQ5 or Topic 5 Biggest Gap Call to ActionFeedback IF 1Feedback IF 2Feedback IF 3Feedback IF 4Topic/Question 1 results text 1-3Topic/Question 1 results text 4-6Topic/Question 1 results text 7-9Topic/Question 1 results text 10-12Topic/Question 2 results text 1-3Topic/Question 2 results text 4-6Topic/Question 2 results text 7-9Topic/Question 2 results text 10-12Topic/Question 3 results text 1-3Topic/Question 3 results text 4-6Topic/Question 3 results text 7-9Topic/Question 3 results text 10-12Topic/Question 4 results text 1-3Topic/Question 4 results text 4-6Topic/Question 4 results text 7-9Topic/Question 4 results text 10-12Topic/Question 5 results text 1-3Topic/Question 5 results text 4-6Topic/Question 5 results text 7-9Topic/Question 5 results text 10-12Total of current:Total of desired:Simplified Current TotalSimplified Desired TotalTopic 1 Total for CurrentTopic 2 Total for CurrentTopic 3 Total for CurrentTopic 4 Total for CurrentTopic 5 Total for CurrentTopic 1 Total for DesiredTopic 2 Total for DesiredTopic 3 Total for DesiredTopic 4 Total for DesiredTopic 5 Total for DesiredPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 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